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Aiding animal charities is a permanent part of my life.

A cat in the leukemia ward at the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah.
A puppy at The Soi Dog Foundation in Phuket, Thailand

I have volunteered at animal sanctuaries, both in the U.S. and abroad.
The more success I have professionally, the more I can contribute to our four-legged friends and the sanctuaries where they live.​
A baby elephant friend of mine at the Phuket Animal Sanctuary in Thailand

Where did this life thing start for me?
I was born in a suburb of St. Louis, Missouri. My lifelong passion for reading started — and I advise against this—by devouring Bram Stoker’s Dracula as a 3rd grader.
Doing so ignited two things:
1 - a permanent love of books and...
2 - the habit of wiping garlic on
my bedroom window each night.
My first little league sport was baseball which I loved, and still do. When pitchers started throwing curveballs, reality set in, and my pride nudged me to try something else.
I moved on to wrestling and football and that combo paid my way through college.
After a remarkably mediocre collegiate career, in which my knee surgeries outnumbered my total of tackles, I graduated with a Bachelor's degree.
I then reveled in a career as a history teacher and high school head coach.
I worked with many amazing students and my experience in education was really fantastic.
Along the way, I finished my Master's degree, attained a certification from the Institute of Children's Literature, ran a dozen marathons (maybe 13), coached state champions, was humbled by a leadership award, and began struggling with a formidable addiction to pizza.
Yet, the sand pours through everyone's hourglass without pause.
Each day, we are the oldest we have ever been and the youngest we'll ever be. I did not want to assume I had a certain amount of time guaranteed to me so I left that career early for other ambitions.
I seized this window of life to begin a speaking career and wrote six books in a year.
I felt completely at home when I was on stage and loved taking an audience on journeys but I now prefer to do so by writing.
Moving forward, writing and photography are my narrow focus with the zoomed-out priority of enjoying life and lifting other people up however I can while helping animals in need wherever I go.
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